Contact Us
Access your financial aid information 24/7 through your MyTSU portal
Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
(713) 313-7802/713-313-1859(Fax)
The Office of Student Financial Success
Bell Building - 1st Floor
Texas Southern University
3100 Cleburne Street Houston, TX 77004
Access your financial aid forms 24/7 with Student Forms!
Contact Information
Alphas are divided by last names.
Name |
Title |
Aisha Parramore |
Financial Aid Counselor Alpha: A-c | |
Wanda Zeno |
Financial Aid Counselor Alpha: D-F |
Kimberly Arnold |
Financial Aid Counselor Alpha: G-J |
Doris Blake |
Financial Aid Counselor Alpha: K-N |
Randolph Byrd |
Financial Aid Counselor Alpha: O-R | |
Candace McClintock |
Financial Aid Counselor Alpha: S-V | |
Lefaye Palmer |
Financial Aid Counselor Alpha: W-Z
| |
TSU Call Center Number |
Financial Aid Assistance |
713-313-7011 |
Dischunara Brown |
Default Prevention Coordinator |